In its courses, KIRC provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct a complex of rehabilitation activities by the prof. Kozyavkin Method. For the effective work of a specialist, the most accurate reproduction of successive actions in the application of ISNR is necessary. Therefore, it is important for us to make sure that the prof. Kozyavkin Method is used in practice correctly. Certification During the training, the Education and Certification Center conducts ongoing monitoring of the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student and presents relevant assessments. Upon completion of each course, the participant must pass the test for knowledge of the theory of the course and the acquisition of practical skills provided by the course program. Based on the results of this exam and taking into account the student's current assessment, the Education and Certification Center Commission decides to provide the student with a certificate of skills acquisition in the appropriate direction. Such a certificate serves as a specialist's admission to work on this specialization. All certified specialists are entered into the database of the Education and Certification Center (посилання на пошук сертифіката за його номером). The certificate is valid for a specialist's time in one of the accredited clinics using the Kozyavkin method, but not more than 3 years. Check the relevance of the certificate (посилання на сторінку пошуку сертифікату за номером) * This does not apply to the Basic Training Course for ISNR. Certification in this area is not foreseen. Reassessment During the 3-year period of validity of the certificate, specialists of the Education and Certification Center carry out planned and unscheduled inspections of certified personnel in compliance with all standards of quality of medical services provision by ISNR. In case of unsatisfactory result of such a check, the certificate may be canceled or suspended and an additional specialist training course is prescribed. Within 1 - 2 months before the expiration of the certificate the specialist will be informed about further actions to extend the validity of the certificate for the next three years. Specialists who have twice successfully passed the re-certification, the third term of the certificate can be extended to 5 years by the decision of the certification committee of the Education and CertificationCenter.