Professors and Instructors

Phone number: +38 (03247) 65 200
Mobile number: +38 (068) 22 44 000
Skype: kozyavkin_clinic
Graduated from Lviv National Medical University in 1984 and in 1997 completed his PhD theses “Posture and motor functions of patients with Cerebral Palsy and their changes during the treatment”.
Continuously has been taking education courses on gait analysis, neurology and functional diagnostics.
His main research interests are in development and implementation of the rehabilitation computer games for people with motor problems and functional evaluation of children with cerebral palsy.
He has leaded several international research projects including Horizon 2020 project “Gamificaltion for better life” aimed to launch a social platform for personalized games for people with Cerebral Palsy.
Oleh Kachmar is a member of the General Management Committee of the European Academy of Childhood Disability ( – largest academic association of professionals working with children with disability throughout Europe.

Phone number: +38 (03247) 65 200
Mobile number: +38 (068) 22 44 000
Skype: kozyavkin_clinic
Graduated from Lviv National Medical University named after D.Galytsky, the medical faculty in 2007. From 2007 to 2009 internship in neurology based on the Rivne Central Hospital and the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital. In June 2018 completed his PhD thesis “Clinical-psychological peculiarities of patients with ASD and their rehabilitation by INRS (Kozyavkin Method)”.
Participant in numerous Ukrainian and international congresses and symposiums. Author of more than 50 scientific publications, 2 monographs.
His main research topic is scientific substanciation of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation by Kozyavkin Method. Taras Voloshyn is a member of European Academy of Childhood Disability ( – largest academic association of professionals working with children with disability throughout Europe, Eastern European Academy of Childhood Disability (, International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (

Phone number: +38 (068) 22 44 000
Mobile number: +38 (068) 22 44 000
Senior Research Assistant, Pediatrician
- She conducts clinical trials, writes scientific publications, participates in the coordination of grant projects, and presents the results of scientific work at conferences.
Education and professional experience
- December 2016 - workshop "Diagnostics in neurorehabilitation" at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine)
- 22.06.2019-14.06.2019 – postgraduate course in Pediatrics at the Lviv National Medical University (Lviv, Ukraine)
- 15.07.2019-19.07.2019 – Participation bursary in Summer school “Evidence-based medicine and research in the rehabilitation of childhood disabilities: a course on research in child rehabilitation and good clinical practice in collaboration with the European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD)” (Pisa, Italy)
- Since November 2016, she has been working at the Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic as a research assistant at the Department of Innovative Technologies. Anna takes part in conducting clinical trials, writing manuscripts, and presenting research results at conferences. She was a part of the multidisciplinary team in the grant project GABLE (“Gamification for a Better Life”) aimed at developing computer games for children with cerebral palsy.
- Since 2020, she has been working at the Elita Rehabilitation Centre.
Member of the European Academy of Pediatric Disability (EACD) and the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM).
Language skills: Ukrainian and English.
Research interests: new diagnostic methods in the rehabilitation of childhood diseases, computer games for children with disabilities, and early intervention.

Phone number: +38 (068) 22 44 000
Mobile number: +38 (068) 22 44 000

Phone number: +38 (068) 22 44 000
Mobile number: +38 (068) 22 44 000

Phone number: +380682244000
Mobile number:

Phone number: +380682244000
Mobile number:

Phone number: +38 (03247) 65 200
Mobile number: +38 (068) 22 44 000
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Professor of the Department. Pediatrician and neonatologist of the highest qualification category. Member of the editorial board of the journal Neonatology, Surgery, and Perinatal Medicine.
Board member of the Association of Neonatologists of Ukraine, member of the working group of the Association of Neonatologists of Ukraine on developing protocol standards for neonatal care, and member of the Ukrainian Medical Society.
Research interests: neonatal neurology and early childhood neurology, neonatal hematology, nutrition science, pediatric pulmonology, immunology, and dermatology.
President of the NGO Breast Milk Bank, and medical consultant for project authors within the Public Budget of Lviv initiative.

Phone number: +38 (03247) 65 200
Mobile number: +38 (068) 22 44 000
Pediatric orthopedic traumatologist. Graduated from Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University with a degree in pediatrics (2006). Completed a residency in pediatric surgery at Lviv Regional and City Children's Clinical Hospitals (2006–2009). Worked at Lviv’s 3rd City Clinical Hospital (2009–2014) and the International Clinic of Rehabilitation in Truskavets (2014–2019).
Completed courses in reflexotherapy (2013), manual therapy, and rehabilitation. Obtained a secondary specialization in physiotherapy (2015). Since 2019, has been working at the Elita Rehabilitation Center in Lviv.
Actively participates in conferences and seminars, applying modern rehabilitation methods for neuro-orthopedic patients.